Monday, July 11, 2016

Welcome to my S****y Life

Hey guys, I've had a really hard week. All week ill be moving into an apartment with my family and i feel like I'm sad even though I'm not actually even leaving anything behind. none of my friends ever cared about me for real. In fact the only friend that's ever actually fully stood by me forever I'm moving closer to. I almost feel like I'm only sad because i should be. but i have no actual reason to be. its probably because of my depression problems. (pretty severe. shhhh.) i also never get any sleep at all because I'm a really bad insomniac. sometime i never even realize it was ever dark at all until the sun rises and then i realized i stayed up all night again. I feel like there are so many things wrong with me i don't even know if there's any happiness left in my heart. I was in a very very serious relationship with a boy named Jayden and his parents didn't want him dating. so when they found out about us they made threats if he didn't break up with me. he never did. we were too close i told him i would understand but he held my hand as a tear fell from my face and told me that they could threaten all they wanted he would never leave me he promised me that he was different and that i was too and that we were perfect and that i was beautiful. We were so in love i cry  every single time i hear his name or when i remember him. so we told his parents that we had broken up. but they kept finding out and making worse threats. The last time they found one of my love notes in his back pack. they said they would transfer him to the other JR high if he didn't Actually dump me. When he came to school late one day and told me that news i broke down in the middle of the middle school hallway. He picked me up (literally he was strong he would pick me up and carry me around all the time during school.) and took me to my second period math class. before he let me go in he st me down and told me he would never let me go. No matte r what i stopped crying kissed him and we went to math. but i cried all through it. i knew that this would eventually going to end and i saw it coming soon. the next day he didn't show up. i got worried and i didn't know how to stop the tears. i spent a lot of time that day in thew counseling office. when i went to my third period art class a boy named Ethan asked me if id heard the news. i didn't know what he was talking about. He said that my boyfriend had moved to his grandmothers house. i knew it wasn't true and that his parents hadn't been kidding. i haven't seen my baby since that day. i still cant believe that he knew his parent were doing it. He never told me goodbye. he never said i love you i promise ill see you again someday or anything. he was gone and i had no warning. I'm crying right now I'm sorry for burdening all anybody that rewards this pathetic blog with all y heartbreak. this was months and moths ago but i still not over him at all. anyway soon after  i ended up rebounding with our match maker named shad. he played me, used me, and brutally dumped me. i also found out that he was cheating with me and that he had a gf. after that affair i dated another one of jaydens old friends named Marcus. he and i dated for a long time and i thought he was so cute.  At the time i was best friends with a girl named Cydnee. me and Marcus got pretty physically serious. and then there was a boy named Brady. I'd known Brady since before jayden and we were pretty close Friends. he asked me out one day and wheni told him about my "secret boyfriend" (Marcus wasn't allowed to date so we were in secret) he got pretty upset. The next day i told Marcus about the Brady thing. he blamed it on me and we kind of went on a break. apparently then me and Brady were dating!!!! I was so so happy! i knew id finally found a guy who would treat me right. And he has were still together (i think). AS the relation ship went on, i stopped thinking about Marcus, and i focused on other friendships. Mostly i focused on Brady, the best boyfriend i had ever had. One night i was seated around the dinner table, and there was a knock on the door. It was Cydnees (my best friend at the times) brother, Jackson. He said she had been missing/ walking the dog for five hours. i stood up, ran out the door and started running, almost in tears. i thought she was gone. then i remembered what she had told me yesterday. She had said that she and Marcus were texting each other and told each other that they totally liked one an other. I knew where she was. There was a specific park near my house that we always met Marcus at. I was sure that they would be there. My mom caught up to me in her car, and i told her where to go while i quickly hopped in. We arrived and i was correct. my best friend making out with the boy who had been my boyfriend. the worst part was Marcus and i had made up earlier that day. he had told me he still liked me on the same day that he made out with my best friend. WOW.  For some reason, i decided to give her another chance, after we want on somewhat of a break from each other. Then i made her choose between having me or Marcus. even though at that moment she  said that she chose me, and i watched her delete his contact, i later learned for myself that she had really chosen Marcus. Even though she knew he was a complete and utter player and that he would do to her exactly what he did to me. ( p.s. they are still a "thing" today). Anyway we were at a sleepover party for our other best friend, Mckenna, and i caught her texting i love you to guess who. Being as stupid as i am, i forgave her and let her off. MISTAKE. after she had left in the morning, mckenna opened up with secrets of cydnees that she had been keeping from me. I was being fed so many lies by cydnee. I was ready to demand a new entree. When my mom called me and told me to start walking home, i stopped by Cydnees house. When she answered, all i said was, "Until you can give him up, I'm done."
"wha? hang on hang on."
"No. Until you can grow up and drop him we are DONE."
I turned and started walking away. Thinking i still cared, she said "okay your fault." and slammed the door. I laughed and flipped off her little house. I was so done with the way that chick treated me. She was NEVER a good friend. But she was the first "best friend" i'd ever had, so i didn't realize i was being used until then. Well, oh well. Screw her, lol. Screw jayden, screw shad, screw marcus.

(p.s. there was also a lot of crazy stuff that i did during the last days of school. Like kiss bradys and my best friend Seth on the cheek. Sethly (his real name) is a WHOLE other story. a story that hasn't even ended yet. If i get at least you know, some comments and likes, i'll post more on my life. Share with ur friends PLZ???!!!

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